Noel SS Admin replied

582 weeks ago

Thank you all for donating and I hope to not disappoint you guys! We'll have a big mansion for sure!!!
Scytheist Solasin - 370k GIL

zerno nin 50

Alanah Rae - 100k gil
Razo Rill 20k

Wicked Divine - 10k GIL
Marcus Blackwater - 2k GIL
Y'rhika Nunh- 40k GIL
Bartholomew Law 25k
Muricon Thenos - 20k GIL
Draven Stark- 150k
Aj snow 500k
Kyros 10k

Blaidd 1 million, Sazea Kitsune 50k gil, Matsumoto Haineko 500k chris fenix 30k gil
Leonidas - 83k Gil
Artanis Khalai - 150k , Seedseifer Graf 40k , Mitsuhide 20k , Sky high TABLEFLIP , Kenzo Leonheart 100k, Kratos Soloelite 50k, Kazick Kaleedum 150k Gil Jerilith Alren - 200k GIL
Zack Leonhart 950k Gil , Khaleesi Hyrule 500k Uldah

last edited 578 weeks ago by Noel SS

Zack Leonhart replied

579 weeks ago

Maybe a stupid question but I ask.^^'
Why did you write Ul'Dah or Limsa ? Is it to choose where the house will be ?

Noel SS Admin replied

578 weeks ago

Deleted 578 weeks ago by Noel SS
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